Orders over 110 euros VAT included will have free shipping costs when your destination is peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands choosing the Mondial Relay transport option.

To apply this promotion, the ENVIOGRATISPBK coupon must be included in the Discount coupon box in the shopping cart.

If later a total or partial refund of the order is made, not exceeding the minimum amount of € 110, the amount corresponding to the transport that was discounted with the coupon must be paid.


The file for each product includes the "maximum of dispatch" which corresponds to the time elapsed from the product purchase and payment is accepted until it comes to the shipment. In any case it corresponds to the delivery at the address indicated by Customer.

In case of purchase of several products in one order, the deadline for sending the request corresponds to the period specified in the product more shipping deadline

Sometimes incidents due to manufacturing and / or distribution, perhaps the deadline communicated by Iguana Custom not match the one described in the product sheet. In these cases, Iguana Custom inform the customer of the difference in delivery time. If this delivery does not meet customer needs, if the order has been prepaid and the customer cancels the order, SPACIOBIKER undertakes to refund the amount paid by the customer in less than 72 hours notice.


The delivery time to the customer depends on the method of delivery made.

Iguana Custom decides on each order the best method of delivery. Iguana Custom is not required to change this mode if requested by the customer.

National and international shipments are made.

When you proceed with the issuance of the order, it informs the customer, the agency through which the shipment has been made and your tracking number.

The contact phone number of the recipient is given to the transport agency, if necessary.

In case of problems with the delivery of the order, the Customer must contact Iguana Custom to as soon as possible to solve the problem.

The order is delivered to the address designated by the Customer, therefore Iguana Custom assumes no liability if delivery can not be made as a result of the data provided are not correct, they are inaccurate or incomplete. In case the delivery address is incorrect or the recipient subsequently modified the order to the exit of our warehouses, transshipment costs are borne by the Client.

In the event that the order is rejected by the customer or haye absent Iguana Custom assumes no liability and reserves the right to charge the customer 100% of the order value.

The deliveries of orders in places where there are restrictions on access to the general public (hospitals, government agencies, schools, etc.) are delivered at the reception, or similar place, as long as it was not possible to deliver to the addressee himself. In these cases, Iguana Custom assumes no liability resulting time after delivery. To achieve more effective delivery of the order, the customer needs to provide as much information as department name, room number, etc.

The products offered on the website shall only be sent to:

Afganistán; Albania; Alemania; Andorra; Angola; Anguila; Antártida; Antigua y Barbuda; Antillas Neerlandesas; Arabia Saudita; Argelia; Argentina; Armenia; Aruba; Australia; Austria; Azerbaiyán; Bahamas; Bahrein; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarús; Bélgica; Belice; Benin; Bermudas; Bhután; Birmania (Myanmar); Bolivia; Bosnia y Herzegovina; Botswana; Brasil; British Indian Ocean Territory; Brunei; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cabo Verde; Caimán, Islas; Camboya; Camerún; Canadá; Chad; Chile; China; Chipre; Ciudad del Vaticano; Cocos (Keeling), Islas; Colombia; Comoras; Congo, Rep. Dem.; Congo, República; Cook, Islas; Corea del Sur; Costa de Marfil; Costa Rica; Croacia; Cuba; Dinamarca; Djibouti; Dominica; Ecuador; EE.UU.; Egipto; El Salvador; Emiratos ÿrabes Unidos; Eritrea; Eslovaquia; Eslovenia; España; Estonia; Etiopía; Fiji; Filipinas; Finlandia; Francés Guayana; Francia; Gabón; Gambia; Georgia; Georgia del Sur e Islas Sandwich del Sur; Ghana; Gibraltar; Granada; Grecia; Groenlandia; Guadalupe; Guam; Guatemala; Guernsey; Guinea; Guinea Ecuatorial; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haití; Honduras; Hong Kong; Hungría; India; Indonesia; Irán; Iraq; Irlanda; Isla Bouvet; Islandia; Islas Åland; Islas Feroe; Islas Heard y McDonald Islas; Islas Malvinas; Islas Marianas del Norte; Islas Turcas y Caicos; Islas Vírgenes (Británicas); Islas Vírgenes (EE.UU.); Israel; Italia; Jamaica; Japón; Jersey; Jordania; Kazajstán; Kenya; Kirguistán; Kiribati; KOREA, DEM. República de; Kuwait; Laos; Lesotho; Letonia; Líbano; Liberia; Libia; Liechtenstein; Lituania; Luxemburgo; Macao; Macedonia; Madagascar; Malasia; Malawi; Maldivas; Malí; Malta; Man, Isla; Marruecos; Marshall, Islas; Martinica; Mauricio; Mauritania; Mayotte; México; Micronesia; Moldavia; Mónaco; Mongolia; Montenegro; Montserrat; Mozambique; Namibia; Nauru; Navidad, Isla de; Nepal; Nicaragua; Níger; Nigeria; Niue; Norfolk Island; Noruega; Nueva Caledonia; Nueva Zelanda; Omán; Países Bajos; Pakistán; Palau; Panamá; Papua Nueva Guinea; Paraguay; Perú; Pitcairn; Polinesia francés; Polonia; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Qatar; Reino Unido; República Centroafricana; República Checa; República Dominicana; Reunión, Isla de la; Rumania; Rusia, Federación de; Rwanda; Sáhara Occidental; Saint Kitts y Nevis; Saint Martin; Salomón, Islas; Samoa; Samoa Americana; San Bartolomé; San Marino; San Pedro y Miquelón; San Vicente y las Granadinas; Santa Lucía; Santo Tomé y Príncipe; Senegal; Serbia; Seychelles; Sierra Leona; Singapur; Siria; Somalia; Sri Lanka; Sudáfrica; Sudán; Suecia; Suiza; Suriname; Svalbard y Jan Mayen; Swazilandia; Tailandia; Taiwán; Tanzania; Tayikistán; Territorios del sur francés; Territorios Palestinos; Timor Oriental; Togo; Tokelau; Tonga; Trinidad y Tobago; Túnez; Turkmenistán; Turquía; Tuvalu; Ucrania; Uganda; Uruguay; Uzbekistán; Vanuatu; Venezuela; Vietnam; Wallis y Futuna; Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe.

No deliveries outside the delivery area mentioned are performed.


Package sizes are limited and cannot exceed the following dimensions:

- Sum of the three sides <150cm.

- Longest side of the expedition <120cm.

- Weight <30kg.

In the event that any item purchased exceeds these dimensions and/or weight, the Customer must select another form of delivery.


You can pick your order at our facilities, without generating shipping. In this case, you are notified when the order is ready, the Customer to come pick up your order.


In the case of destinations with customs processing (Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and third countries), Customer assumes any expenses generated in the corresponding destination including local taxes. Iguana Custom is not responsible for delays in delivery caused by those customs procedures.

Shipping - SpacioBiker (Ahora Iguana Custom)


Orders over 110 euros VAT included will have free shipping costs when your destination is peninsular Spain and the Balearic Islands choosing the Mondial Relay transport option.

To apply this promotion, the ENVIOGRATISPBK coupon must be included in the Discount coupon box in the shopping cart.

If later a total or partial refund of the order is made, not exceeding the minimum amount of € 110, the amount corresponding to the transport that was discounted with the coupon must be paid.


The file for each product includes the "maximum of dispatch" which corresponds to the time elapsed from the product purchase and payment is accepted until it comes to the shipment. In any case it corresponds to the delivery at the address indicated by Customer.

In case of purchase of several products in one order, the deadline for sending the request corresponds to the period specified in the product more shipping deadline

Sometimes incidents due to manufacturing and / or distribution, perhaps the deadline communicated by Iguana Custom not match the one described in the product sheet. In these cases, Iguana Custom inform the customer of the difference in delivery time. If this delivery does not meet customer needs, if the order has been prepaid and the customer cancels the order, SPACIOBIKER undertakes to refund the amount paid by the customer in less than 72 hours notice.


The delivery time to the customer depends on the method of delivery made.

Iguana Custom decides on each order the best method of delivery. Iguana Custom is not required to change this mode if requested by the customer.

National and international shipments are made.

When you proceed with the issuance of the order, it informs the customer, the agency through which the shipment has been made and your tracking number.

The contact phone number of the recipient is given to the transport agency, if necessary.

In case of problems with the delivery of the order, the Customer must contact Iguana Custom to as soon as possible to solve the problem.

The order is delivered to the address designated by the Customer, therefore Iguana Custom assumes no liability if delivery can not be made as a result of the data provided are not correct, they are inaccurate or incomplete. In case the delivery address is incorrect or the recipient subsequently modified the order to the exit of our warehouses, transshipment costs are borne by the Client.

In the event that the order is rejected by the customer or haye absent Iguana Custom assumes no liability and reserves the right to charge the customer 100% of the order value.

The deliveries of orders in places where there are restrictions on access to the general public (hospitals, government agencies, schools, etc.) are delivered at the reception, or similar place, as long as it was not possible to deliver to the addressee himself. In these cases, Iguana Custom assumes no liability resulting time after delivery. To achieve more effective delivery of the order, the customer needs to provide as much information as department name, room number, etc.

The products offered on the website shall only be sent to:

Afganistán; Albania; Alemania; Andorra; Angola; Anguila; Antártida; Antigua y Barbuda; Antillas Neerlandesas; Arabia Saudita; Argelia; Argentina; Armenia; Aruba; Australia; Austria; Azerbaiyán; Bahamas; Bahrein; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belarús; Bélgica; Belice; Benin; Bermudas; Bhután; Birmania (Myanmar); Bolivia; Bosnia y Herzegovina; Botswana; Brasil; British Indian Ocean Territory; Brunei; Bulgaria; Burkina Faso; Burundi; Cabo Verde; Caimán, Islas; Camboya; Camerún; Canadá; Chad; Chile; China; Chipre; Ciudad del Vaticano; Cocos (Keeling), Islas; Colombia; Comoras; Congo, Rep. Dem.; Congo, República; Cook, Islas; Corea del Sur; Costa de Marfil; Costa Rica; Croacia; Cuba; Dinamarca; Djibouti; Dominica; Ecuador; EE.UU.; Egipto; El Salvador; Emiratos ÿrabes Unidos; Eritrea; Eslovaquia; Eslovenia; España; Estonia; Etiopía; Fiji; Filipinas; Finlandia; Francés Guayana; Francia; Gabón; Gambia; Georgia; Georgia del Sur e Islas Sandwich del Sur; Ghana; Gibraltar; Granada; Grecia; Groenlandia; Guadalupe; Guam; Guatemala; Guernsey; Guinea; Guinea Ecuatorial; Guinea-Bissau; Guyana; Haití; Honduras; Hong Kong; Hungría; India; Indonesia; Irán; Iraq; Irlanda; Isla Bouvet; Islandia; Islas Åland; Islas Feroe; Islas Heard y McDonald Islas; Islas Malvinas; Islas Marianas del Norte; Islas Turcas y Caicos; Islas Vírgenes (Británicas); Islas Vírgenes (EE.UU.); Israel; Italia; Jamaica; Japón; Jersey; Jordania; Kazajstán; Kenya; Kirguistán; Kiribati; KOREA, DEM. República de; Kuwait; Laos; Lesotho; Letonia; Líbano; Liberia; Libia; Liechtenstein; Lituania; Luxemburgo; Macao; Macedonia; Madagascar; Malasia; Malawi; Maldivas; Malí; Malta; Man, Isla; Marruecos; Marshall, Islas; Martinica; Mauricio; Mauritania; Mayotte; México; Micronesia; Moldavia; Mónaco; Mongolia; Montenegro; Montserrat; Mozambique; Namibia; Nauru; Navidad, Isla de; Nepal; Nicaragua; Níger; Nigeria; Niue; Norfolk Island; Noruega; Nueva Caledonia; Nueva Zelanda; Omán; Países Bajos; Pakistán; Palau; Panamá; Papua Nueva Guinea; Paraguay; Perú; Pitcairn; Polinesia francés; Polonia; Portugal; Puerto Rico; Qatar; Reino Unido; República Centroafricana; República Checa; República Dominicana; Reunión, Isla de la; Rumania; Rusia, Federación de; Rwanda; Sáhara Occidental; Saint Kitts y Nevis; Saint Martin; Salomón, Islas; Samoa; Samoa Americana; San Bartolomé; San Marino; San Pedro y Miquelón; San Vicente y las Granadinas; Santa Lucía; Santo Tomé y Príncipe; Senegal; Serbia; Seychelles; Sierra Leona; Singapur; Siria; Somalia; Sri Lanka; Sudáfrica; Sudán; Suecia; Suiza; Suriname; Svalbard y Jan Mayen; Swazilandia; Tailandia; Taiwán; Tanzania; Tayikistán; Territorios del sur francés; Territorios Palestinos; Timor Oriental; Togo; Tokelau; Tonga; Trinidad y Tobago; Túnez; Turkmenistán; Turquía; Tuvalu; Ucrania; Uganda; Uruguay; Uzbekistán; Vanuatu; Venezuela; Vietnam; Wallis y Futuna; Yemen; Zambia; Zimbabwe.

No deliveries outside the delivery area mentioned are performed.


Package sizes are limited and cannot exceed the following dimensions:

- Sum of the three sides <150cm.

- Longest side of the expedition <120cm.

- Weight <30kg.

In the event that any item purchased exceeds these dimensions and/or weight, the Customer must select another form of delivery.


You can pick your order at our facilities, without generating shipping. In this case, you are notified when the order is ready, the Customer to come pick up your order.


In the case of destinations with customs processing (Canary Islands, Ceuta, Melilla and third countries), Customer assumes any expenses generated in the corresponding destination including local taxes. Iguana Custom is not responsible for delays in delivery caused by those customs procedures.